Business and jobs
Jobs, Licensing, Procurement, Business rates, Business support, Business grants All Business and jobsHealth, social care and safety
Food safety, Social services, Community safety, Animal welfare, Lifeline, COVID-19 All Health, social care and safetyHousing
Apply for housing, Benefits, Rent, Repairs, Private housing, Homelessness, Leaseholders, Tenants All HousingLeisure and culture
Parks, Leisure centres, Outdoor sports, Royal Spa Centre, Royal Pump Rooms, Arts All Leisure and culturePlanning
Planning applications, Building regs, Policy, Conservation, Planning staff, HS2, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) All PlanningRecycling, waste and environment
Rubbish and recycling, Environmental health, Sustainability and climate change, Pests All Recycling, waste and environmentRoads, parking and transport
Parking, Public transport, Roads and streets, Maps and directions All Roads, parking and transportYour Council
Council tax, Councillors, Committees, Elections, Register to vote, Departments, Have your say All Your Council
Cost of living support
With spiralling energy bills, food, and transport costs, we know that many households in our district will be struggling.

Flood warnings
Check the current flood warning and find out how to prepare if you are at risk of flooding.

Biodiversity Action Programme
Our Biodiversity Action Programme sets out our strategic approach to 2050 to help create a district that is rich in nature, by halting biodiversity loss and putting nature on a path to recovery.
Latest news
Council continues measures to protect endangered birds on St Mary's Lands
Warwick District Council is continuing with its efforts to aid the recovery of endangered bird populations on St Mary’s Lands in Warwick.
Leamington’s Nature Patchwork launch: free event to inspire community action on supporting wildlife
A free community event is set to take place next month on Saturday 8 March at The SYDNI Centre in Leamington, empowering and inspiring the community to help wildlife thrive locally.
What's on
The Lord Leycester - Smart Talks (Monthly)
Join The Lord Leycester for monthly Smart Talks – a series of talks by learned academics, non-academics, and smart people across a variety of topics.
Lord Leycester Beer Festival
Raise your glass and celebrate the return of one of Warwick’s most anticipated new year events! Featuring an enticing line-up of 20 beers, 8 ciders, and a Prosecco bar.