View a planning application

Search for a planning application or decision to view all details, documents, plans and to make comments that support, object or are neutral towards the application.

Search options

  • Simple search - by keyword, postcode, address line, reference number
  • Advanced search - reference numbers, application details, application dates
  • Weekly and monthly lists - search applications either validated or decided in a given week or month 
  • Search by property - check the history and details of a specific property 
  • Search on a map
  • Search tree applications since 1st July 2015 - For tree applications prior to 1st July 2015 and for enquiries about works to trees, please call 01926 456557.
  • All documents for planning applications since 2000 are available to view online. Basic details for applications between 1974 and 2000 are available online, with all documents available on microfiche. All details and documents for applications prior to 1974 are on microfiche. Microfiche records can be viewed by appointment at the Council's offices. Please call 01926 456536 to book an appointment.
  • For copies of historical decision notices (pre-2000) please email with the application reference.

Sharing links to planning documents

Sharing links to individual planning application documents in the planning system will not work as the links are temporary for each visitor. If you wish to forward a link to other people, please direct them to the particular planning application page instead. 

Comment - support, object or suggest changes

You may wish to support an application, suggest changes to it, or raise objections. 

Comment on an application and the council will consider your views before making a decision. 

If sending your comments by post, please ensure you include your full postal address including postcode, the application reference number, the site address and the case officer. There is no requirement to sign any letter you send.

Please note all comments will be on public view on our website. We display them on the website as soon as possible, but please be aware that there may be a delay whilst the comments are checked. We try to remove any personal telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures. Any responses that contain personal or offensive comments not related to the planning application will not be published on the website.

In order to assist with processing your comments, printed names rather than signatures would be preferred.

All comments should be received by the council within 21 days of receiving notification or the posting of a site notice.

Guidance on commenting

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to grant or refuse planning permission. Your views will be taken in to account, but might not override other factors. The following matters can be taken in to account by the case officer:

  • Compliance with national or local planning policies
  • Design / appearance / layout 
  • Loss of privacy
  • Loss of daylight / sunlight 
  • Noise / smell and disturbance from the proposal
  • Traffic generation and access
  • Economic benefits 

The following cannot be taken into account:

  • Impact on property values
  • Boundary or other legal disputes
  • Loss of view
  • Restrictive covenants
  • Commercial competition between traders
  • Possible damage to property caused by building work
  • Access for maintenance
  • Matters of decency or taste


For information on how we handle and process your personal data, please visit the Planning Privacy Notice page.

Invalid applications

Please note that you will not be able to submit online comments for any invalid applications. Occasionally applications are subsequently made invalid due to the provision of incomplete reports. This will prevent you from commenting on an application you may have previously viewed. If you would like to verify this or require further information please contact us on 01926 456536.

What happens next?

After assessing the application and all comments made, the case officer will proceed to determine the application. Some applications may be decided under delegated powers (81kb, PDF) by the case officer. Applications which cannot be decided using delegated powers are reported to Planning Committee for their decision. If you make comments on an application that is to be decided by Planning Committee you will be notified in advance.    

There is no right of appeal against the granting of planning permission and it is important that any objections are made early in the process so that the issues can be given the fullest consideration.

If an application is refused planning permission, the applicant has a right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Appeals may also be made if the Council has imposed conditions on a permission that the applicant considers unacceptable. If you have been notified of a planning application or have submitted a comment, we will notify you if an appeal has been made and your comments will be forwarded to the Inspectorate.