How progress will be monitored

Corporate strategy progress monitored

The Council will monitor and review the progress of this strategy in the following ways:

  • A set of key performance measures will be developed and incorporated into service area action plans that show how services are performing and how progress will be tracked over time. 
  • Our project register will allow us to monitor and manage progress and plan resources. 
  • Completed projects will be reviewed to assess if we have achieved all the benefits expected. 
  • Where possible, we will regularly use external benchmarking to help inform how we are progressing. 
  • Publish case studies around the impact of the improvements we have made. 
  • Regular reporting of progress to Cabinet and Council. 
  • Progress of the strategy and actions will be subject to an annual review by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 
  • Review of feedback from stakeholders including, residents, communities, businesses, and public sector partners. 
  • The strategy will be reviewed every two years to reflect any changes in the internal and external operating environments. 
  • Every three years, undertake an independent resident satisfaction survey.