Priority 3: Creating vibrant, safe and healthy communities of the future
We will work with communities, businesses and public sector partners to enable and support improvements where people’s community, economic and housing needs can be met. This will facilitate a better and more sustainable balance with the natural world that will allow our communities and businesses to thrive in a sustainable and safe way.
3.1. Support all our communities, urban and rural, to be economically ready for the future, with the right infrastructure and protect community identity with a focus on people and environment.
Ways we will deliver this
Lead portfolio
3.1.1. Enhance our town centres by working with businesses in place making initiatives, events and active travel to support the daytime and nighttime economy. This will include taking forward the future high street fund and the progression of the creative quarter.
3.1.2. Opportunities for an investment zone will focus on the transition to a green economy, protect against unsuitable development and deliver for biodiversity, sustainable transport, and job creation.
Strategic Leadership
3.1.3. Promote the district as a location for advanced manufacturing, “green” industries, creative games and hi- tech based companies, building on our national reputation. Work with educational establishments to inspire people to learn new skills, help local people access jobs and opportunities.
Arts & Economy
3.1.4 Increase the volume of high quality, low carbon, affordable and social housing, including increasing the Council’s and Milverton Homes’ home building activity. This will help meet demand for housing and help tackle rough sleeping and homelessness.
Housing & Assets
3.2. Promote vibrant communities, a welcoming atmosphere and good mental and physical health and wellbeing within all our towns and villages.
Ways we will deliver this
Lead portfolio
3.2.1. Support our creative community, including local artists, dancers, actors, musicians, and history and heritage organisations through a revised Creative Framework and a programme of support through UKSPF projects.
Arts & Economy
3.2.2. Build on our reputation as a home for national and international sporting events.
Communities and Leisure
3.2.3. Encourage everyone to have a more active lifestyle by using our leisure centres, parks and open spaces, other sports facilities, and the provision of outreach activities.
Communities and Leisure
3.2.4. Review, update and continue to take forward initiatives in the Climate Emergency Action Programme and evaluate their impact.
Strategic leadership
3.2.5. Using our joint Local Plan with Stratford DC to:
prioritise housing development on brownfield sites.
minimize use of greenfield sites where possible.
promote new developments using 20-minute neighbourhood/ settlement designs.
ensure convenient access to services and shops.
protect existing community identities.
ensure the provision of appropriate infrastructure is available to support new and existing developments.
3.2.6. In partnership with Warwickshire County Council, promote and implement active travel choices as a priority – public transport, walking and cycling.
3.2.7. Adopt a Net-Zero Carbon Development Plan Document (DPD) and provide supplementary guidance, training, and support to ensure that new homes and other buildings in the district are net-zero carbon.
3.3. Enhance the biodiversity of the district
Ways we will deliver this
Lead portfolio
3.3.1. Increase the level of biodiversity on Council owned land and create a network of accessible, linked biodiversity rich spaces.
3.3.2. Encourage residents, communities, and businesses to enhance the biodiversity of the district using the planning system, the Biodiversity Net Gain legislation and other opportunities.
3.4. Champion new and innovative ways of working together to improve health, safety, wellbeing and tackle inequalities – focusing on prevention and building resilience in communities.
Ways we will deliver this
Lead portfolio
3.4.1. Reduce health inequalities within the district and develop a series of health and community wellbeing hubs.
Communities and Leisure
3.4.2. Develop and implement an asset based community development strategy where the Council and partners will work with communities to build capacity to help address their own health, safety and wellbeing needs, especially those with more deprived socio-economic or isolated backgrounds.
Communities and Leisure
3.4.3. Working with partners to deliver community safety interventions to address ASB and fear of crime.