How success will be measured
The Corporate Strategy will be assessed through measures that will develop and evolve through the life of the strategy. The information below sets out for each priority some success measures that may be used to identify trends and hence indicate the impact of the strategy between now and 2030. The measures developed will be informed where possible through benchmarking and other evaluation techniques.
Delivering valued, sustainable services
- Medium Term Financial Strategy and balanced budget underpinned by in-year revenue.
- Number of customers transacting with the Council via digital services.
- Value of non-cash efficiencies realised to free up resources to help those most in need.
- % customer satisfaction with Council services.
- Improved Service Area Action Plan performance.
- Recruitment and retention data.
- Number of apprentices that secure a permanent role with the Council.
- Improvements in Decent Homes Standard.
- Amount of external funding secured.
Low cost, low carbon energy across the District
- Reduction in total energy consumption (gas and electricity) from WDC assets excluding housing in previous 12 months.
- Renewable energy produced within WDC buildings or land – kWh in previous 12 months.
- Number of carbon reduction measures implemented in non-council housing in the last year as a result of WDC actions.
- % of WDC Homes reaching EPC C.
Creating vibrant, safe and healthy communities of the future
- % overall resident satisfaction in Warwick District as a place to live.
- Increases in biodiversity as identified through the Biodiversity Action Programme.
- Increases in footfall to the high street.
- % reduction in carbon emissions against 2018 baseline.
- Number of digital and creative businesses moved to or opened up in the district.
- Amount and type of social value achieved.
- % footfall at active leisure activities.
- Positive outcomes from community wardens scheme.
- Number of additional net-zero social houses built.