Warwick Net Zero Carbon SPD
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The Net Zero Carbon SPD will assist applicants with the implementation of the policies included in the NZC-DPD by providing detailed technical guidance to inform the development design and measures to be considered in preparing an Energy Statement. The Adopted Net Zero Carbon-SPD along with the consultation statement can be downloaded below.
Consultation on the Warwick District Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Council is at an advanced stage in the production of the Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document (DPD). This document addresses climate change and sustainable construction in more detail than policies contained in the current Warwick District Local Plan 2011-2029. We have been told that the Inspector will issue his final report by end of October 2023. More details on the DPD can be found at the following webpage:
Warwick Net Zero Carbon DPD Examination
To implement the policies in the Net Zero Carbon DPD, it was considered desirable to provide further guidance and advice in the form of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The need for this SPD was identified in a Cabinet report dated 10th August 2022. The SPD will not contain any new policies but will provide further advice and guidance to applicants and relevant stakeholders on how to comply with the DPD policies.
The draft Net Zero Carbon SPD is now subject to a six-week statutory consultation starting from Wednesday 18 October to Wednesday 29 November 2023.
Consultation Document:
- View the draft Net Zero Carbon SPD (online) - alternatively a PDF is available
Printed copies of the consultation document were placed at the Council’s main reception and deposit points. The details of the venues and opening times is set below.
Responding to the Consultation
- Representations could be made through the Council’s online consultation system
- Via email to planningpolicy@warwickdc.gov.uk
- Or by post to FAO Planning Policy, NZC-SPD Consultation, Town Hall, Parade, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 4AT
This consultation closed on Wednesday 29 November 2023, at 23:59.