Warwick Net Zero Carbon DPD Examination

Latest news

Adoption of Net Zero Carbon DPD

The Council unanimously adopted the Net Zero Carbon DPD and the SPD following the meeting on 15th May 2024. The DPD will form part of the Development Plan for the District and decisions will need to be made in accordance with it. The adopted DPD along with the The Inspector's Report, Appendix of Main Modifications, Appendix of Additional Modifications, Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement and Adoption Statement can be downloaded below:

More details on the SPD can be found at the following webpage

Net Zero Carbon SPD


The Council officers have drafted a pro-forma to show compliance with the NZC-DPD Policy NZC4. The pro-forma can be downloaded using the link below:

Pro-forma to show compliance with DPD Policy NZC4

17 April 2024

The Council has received the  Inspector’s Report along with the Appendix of Main Modifications.

The Inspector has confirmed that the Plan has been prepared in accordance with all relevant legal and procedural requirements and that, subject to Main Modifications, it meets the tests of soundness as set out in the NPPF.

The Inspector has concluded that:  “subject to the main modifications, the DPD provides an appropriate overarching strategy in response to Warwick’s declared climate emergency that is positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy”, and that it  “provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the district with regard to attaining net zero carbon development and minimising carbon emissions in new and existing development”.

The Council will now arrange for a report to be taken to its Cabinet and Council relating to the adoption of the Development Plan Document and associated Supplementary Planning Document.

The Inspector's Report, Appendix of Main Modifications and the Appendix of Additional Modifications, and the NZC-DPD can be found here:

5 February 2024

The consultation on the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Written Ministerial Statement on Energy Efficiency Standards ended on 24th January. The responses received during the consultation period along with the Council's response can be found here:

9 January 2024

Following publication of the revised National Planing Policy Framework and a Written Ministerial Statement on Energy Efficiency Standards, the Inspector has submitted a letter to the Council providing an opportunity for the Council and all Regulation 19 representors to comment on the above publications.

The consultation will run until 4pm on Wednesday 24 January 2024, with any comments being provided to the Programme Officer (contact details below).

Following the close of the consultation, the Inspector will review the submissions received and will take them into account when finalising his report.

18 July 2023

The consultation on the Main Modifications has now closed. The consultation statement setting out the consultation responses along with the Council’s response to the Main Modifications consultation can be found here:

5 June 2023

The Council is undertaking a Main Modifications Consultation on the Warwick District Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document (DPD). Further details of the consultation, and how to comment can be found here.

15 May 2023

The Inspector has provided feedback to the Council regarding the evolving schedule of modifications:

28 April 2023

The Council have responded to the Inspector’s Post Hearing Letter:

30 March 2023

The Inspector has provided his Post Hearing Letter to the Council which outlines his initial comments together with the next steps for the Examination:

The Inspector

Planning Inspector; Mr Andrew McCormack B.Sc (Hons) MRTPI - has been appointed to undertake an independent examination into the soundness and legal compliance of Warwick District Council’s Net Zero Carbon Development Plan Document (the Plan).

The Inspector’s task will be to consider the soundness and legal compliance of the submitted Plan, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (the Framework) and associated regulations, namely the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Localism Act 2011 and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

The Inspector will take into account the representations submitted upon the Regulation 19 Draft Plan as far as they relate to soundness considerations. Informal debates will take place on the principal matters identified by the Inspector these are termed Hearing Sessions.

At the end of the Examination, the Inspector will prepare a report to the Council with precise recommendations, these recommendations may include modifications to the Plan, if such a request is made by the Council.

Guidance notes have been prepared by the Inspector to help people understand the process and will be available here in due course. Procedural Guidance for Local Plans has also been produced by the Planning Inspectorate which provides detailed practical advice and a short guide aimed at those participating in a local plan examination for the first time.

Hearing Sessions and Format

Hearing sessions closed on Thursday 9 March 2023.

Final programme for the Hearing Sessions.

The Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions provided the framework for discussions at the Hearing Sessions.

Written Statements

The following Written Statements have been received in response to the Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions.

Matter 1 – Legal & Procedural Requirements

Matter 2 – Overarching Strategy

Matter 3 – Viability Testing & Assessment

Matter 4 - Reducing Energy Demands & Energy Efficient Buildings

Matter 5 - Energy Sources

Matter 6 - Carbon Offsetting

Matter 7 - Embodied Carbon

Matter 8 - Existing Buildings

Evidence Base Documents

In preparing the Plan, the Council both refer to and were informed by a number of documents that together form the 'Evidence Base' for the Examination

Submission Documents

Supporting Documents

Examination Documents

Regulation 19 Consultation Representations

View the representations received during the Regulation 19 consultation. Please note that there are further representations embedded within the document, in addition to those listed ‘By organisation’ (to view these, click ‘Back to document’). Document SUB10 also provides an Excel spreadsheet of representations received.