We want everyone using our parks to enjoy the facilities provided. With this in mind, bylaws have been drawn up regulating the behaviour of people using our parks.

The main provisions of the bylaws are that, unless authorised to do so by the council, a person must not:

  • Bring any vehicle into the park
  • Ride any bicycle or tricycle or similar machine
  • Allow any dog belonging to them or in their charge to remain in the park unless it is under proper control
  • Fail to clear up after any dog belonging to them or in their charge which fouls designated parts of the park
  • Drive, pitch or chip a hard golf ball except in any area set aside for the playing of golf, pitch and putt or putting
  • Ride any horse
  • Post any notice on any wall, fence or tree or on any other structure
  • Walk, run, stand, sit or lie on any flower bed, shrub or plant or on any ground in the course of preparation as a flower bed
  • Enter any ornamental lake, pond or stream or other water (except specially provided paddling pools), or pollute any such water
  • Use a power driven model boat on any area of water
  • Sell or hire, or expose for sale or hire, any article
  • Erect any tent, booth, stand or building or other structure
  • Obstruct, disturb or annoy any other person

Download a copy of the full byelaws.

In addition to the byelaws, there are also Dog Control Orders in place across the district.

We also regulate model aircraft flying to ensure the safety of our visitors.

Please note that we do not allow metal detecting in any of our parks or open spaces.

We do not permit metal detecting on publicly owned land except where a metal detecting survey is part of an approved archaeological investigation. This approach has been adopted to provide consistent management of council assets. Damaging council land is classed as vandalism, it is an offence enforceable by the police under the Criminal Damages Act 1971.

Please report any unauthorised metal detecting by calling the police on 101 or email Greenspaces@warwickdc.gov.uk, and they can assess the situation and forward on to our partners if necessary.

A number of problems can result from metal detecting, including:

  • Damage to tree roots, plants and wildlife
  • Creating trip hazards where land is disturbed and not correctly reinstated
  • Removal of artefacts from their original location with serious loss of information
  • Damage to related archaeological deposits
  • Unreported discoveries leading to an accumulated loss of knowledge.