
Thank you to everyone that took part in our recent consultation about the latest proposals for the Council’s leisure centres in Kenilworth; Abbey Fields Swimming Pool and Castle Farm Recreation Centre. Your feedback is very helpful in assisting us to shape our final designs.

This consultation follows an earlier exercise in 2018 which was used to collect feedback on the type of facilities that the community want to see at each centre. The feedback from that exercise was used to inform the Council’s decisions on the facilities at each centre. Since that time, the designs have been progressed and this later consultation is to collect feedback on the latest design proposals. The information will be fed into the final proposals before we submit a planning application later this year. 

The design proposals for consultation were made available to view on this website and also at seven drop-in events held in Kenilworth. Feedback was collected via a survey questionnaire and also via email.  

The information included summarises the feedback and provides our responses.

A full report of the consultation findings will form part of the planning application. The planning application and consultation report will be available on the Council’s website later this year. We will notify customers when we have a date for the planning application to be made.