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Feedback and complaints

Direct phone numbers

Service Phone numbers
Council tax and benefits 01926 456760
Planning, conservation, land charges Planning contact numbers
Building control (building regulations) Building control contact numbers
Housing (Repairs, HomeChoice, Rent, Tenancy officers) 01926 456129
Neighbourhood (Recycling and refuse, Parks and trees) 01926 456128
Parking 01926 456128
Business rates 01926 456760
Licensing 01926 456705
Elections 01926 456105
Councillors and committees 01926 456114
Pest control or noise nuisance 01926 456725/456734
Food safety 01926 456713
Leisure centres Leisure centres numbers
Environmental health Environmental health numbers
Bereavement services/Oakley Wood Crematorium 01926 651418

Please try the direct dial numbers before telephoning the switchboard. The switchboard number is 01926 450000.