How do I bid?

You can view and bid for all available properties on our HomeChoice website at. We place adverts every week starting at 00.01hrs every Thursday and closing at 24.00hrs the following Tuesday. This gives you six days to place bids. You can place up to five bids on each advert. You should place bids in your order of preference. This is because if you are at the top for more than one property, we will only consider you for the one you bid for first.

Please note – if you are logging into Homechoice for the first time, you will need to set up a password and provide some personal data. You will need to do this from a computer. After your account is set up, you will be able to place bids from a smartphone.

To view and bid for properties, you should follow the instructions below.

  • Step 1: Under ‘Do It Online’ click on HomeChoice for housing applicants.
  • Step 2: Click on ‘Login’.
  • Step 3: Enter your User Number, this was on the letter we sent you when you first applied for housing, and set a password. If you have lost or misplaced this important information, please  contact the housing advice team
  • Step 4: You can then choose to view the current property list which will show all Council and housing association properties which are available for the current week.
  • Step 5: Click on ‘bid’ next to the property you are interested in. If you want to see more information about an individual property, double-click on the address. To continue bidding, click on ‘return to property list’.