The district wide intoxicating substances zone enables the Police and designated Council officers to take proactive action against people causing issues relating to alcohol consumption.

The order also prohibits any person without reasonable excuse from ingesting, inhaling, injecting, smoking or otherwise using any other intoxicating substance which has the ability to suppress/depress the bodies central nervous system and failing to surrender any such substance when asked to do so by a police officer or other authorised person in a public place.

The current PSPO can be used to restrict the drinking of alcohol in a public space where this has, or is likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life on those in the locality, be persistent or continuing in nature and unreasonable.

The Order does not make it an offence to drink alcohol in public place. An offence is only committed if the person continues to drink alcohol after being asked to stop or refuses to hand over any alcohol. Police or designated Council Officers will only exercise their powers under the Order in relation to “problem” drinking.

The Police can arrest for failing to comply with their request. If convicted the offence carries a maximum fine of £1000.

View the Intoxicating Substances Order 2020.

Public Spaces Protection Orders must be reviewed every three years.

Fixed penalty notice

A police officer or other authorised person may issue a fixed penalty notice of £100 to anyone believed to have committed an offence under the public space protection order (PSPO).

Pay your fixed penalty online: