Published: Friday, 7th December 2018

Local people are being asked to give their views on a future Creative Quarter for Leamington.

Visual representation of Spencer's YardIn the last twelve months, Complex Development Projects CDP (Warwick District Council’s development partner for the Creative Quarter and the team behind FarGo Village in Coventry) has been consulting with local businesses on a visionary project, which will nurture the town’s many and diverse creative industries.

A draft masterplan sets out a range of ideas which have been formed as a result of CDP’s consultations with over 100 creative businesses, organisations and individuals, and  the Council is now seeking the views of local people on the opportunities identified, which will help shape the future of key areas of Leamington.

The Creative Quarter initiative focuses on the rejuvenation of the Old Town area and seeks to find new and innovative uses for spaces that are currently underutilised or falling into disrepair. It follows the success of projects which include the “Creative Arches” in Court Street, and “26HT” an incubator facility for start-up gaming companies and micro enterprises in Hamilton Terrace.

The Leader of Warwick District Council, Councillor Andrew Mobbs said:

“This is a real opportunity for local people to help to shape the future of our town, by bringing together the strength and depth of creative talent in our community. This is the first project that CDP has undertaken in Warwick district and we are keen for as many people as possible to give their views on the exciting vision they have presented. “

The consultation opened on 3 December and will run until 21 January 2019. The consultation can be completed online at, where a copy of the draft masterplan can also be viewed. Paper copies of the consultation can be collected from Riverside House.

The public can view a display of the Creative Quarter plans at the Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum from 7 December to 21 January and there will be a number of public briefing sessions during the consultation period, details of which can be found on the Leamington Creative Quarter website.

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