Warwick District and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils have approved the South Warwickshire Economic Development Strategy, which will be implemented from 1 April 2024.
This is a five-year strategy to develop the economy of South Warwickshire. Inspired by their range of joint opportunities and challenges facing Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils, who have collaborated with public and partner consultations to draw up a shared vision. This vision aims for both District Councils to have contributed to creating a larger, stronger, greener, and more inclusive economy by 2028.
The strategy is built around three main themes, which have been identified as the main pillars of our local economies: People, Place and Productivity.
The main purpose of the strategy is to coordinate economic growth activities around South Warwickshire and highlight the area.
The strategy was published for public consultation in March 2023. Since then, the final strategy has been updated by Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils.
The strategy will have a supporting Action Plan, which will be reviewed at the end of each year and refreshed considering national and sub-regional political and socio-economic changes. The Action Plan will propose the roles played by the Economic Development team and partners, which will range from influencing, lobbying, and shaping strategies as well as more direct intervention at the local level.
Warwick District Councillor Ella Billiald, Portfolio Holder for Arts and Economy, said:
"This new Economic Development Strategy for South Warwickshire provides a real opportunity for us to support our local businesses, as well as developing high tech sustainable aspects of the local economy. The government's recent approval of the West Midlands Investment Zone will bring investment and opportunities to the area where extensive research will take place into electric car batteries, green technologies, bioscience, and agricultural technology. I feel very optimistic that the talent we have across both Districts will help us to deliver our aspirations for this Strategy."
Stratford-on-Avon District councillor George Cowcher, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, said:
"The Economic Development Strategy has embraced all key areas of South Warwickshire and aims to improve them further. The people in our districts are our biggest priority and our Councils will work together to increase opportunity and improve business and economic growth".
The economic strategy was approved at the Stratford-on-Avon Council meeting on 11 December and Warwick District Council's Cabinet on Wednesday 6 December.
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