The Leader appoints, from among the Cabinet members, Portfolio Holders to act as spokespersons for the service areas.

The Portfolio Holders need to:

  • Help with the development and delivery of the Council’s policy framework;
  • Work with officers and local public, private, voluntary, and community sector organisations to address local needs;
  • Present reports to Scrutiny committees;
  • Represent the views of the Council on matters of corporate or strategic policy and
  • Participate in consultative arrangements and actively engage in dialogue with officers and organisations involved in portfolio issues.

 The following duties are those which are common to Portfolio Holders:

  1. Attend Cabinet Catch up each Monday 5pm - 6pm, providing direction and guidance on strategic matters and reviewing Cabinet reports;
  2. Attend LCG as scheduled to discuss strategic matters with Group Leaders, including reviewing Cabinet reports;
  3. Attend public meeting of the Cabinet every six weeks;
  4. Attend public meeting of the Council 8 to 10 times a year;
  5. Occasional attendance at the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. Preparation has to be done ahead of this meeting so that questions can be answered;
  6. Writing the Portfolio Holder statement for Council;
  7. Providing strategic direction for the relevant service area(s) in liaison with the Head of Service(s);
  8. Liaising with report authors within their PH remit to provide a strategic approach to draft reports at appropriate approval stages;
  9. Possible post-meeting work for any questions that need clarifying and answers that need adding to;
  10. Dealing with correspondence relating to their portfolio, including;
  11. Responding to relevant media enquires in liaison with the Media Team;
  12. Attending relevant working parties & outside bodies (where appointed as Cabinet representative);
  13. Confidentially  (i.e. not shared with opposition Groups) discuss possible options they may wish to propose and the viability of them;
  14. Meeting with Head of Service (s) at least every month to review strategic service area matters:
    • Review Service area plan (which includes main aspects of workload, major work streams, performance and risk register)
    • Budget updates/planning
    • Appropriate Staffing matters
    • Confidentially advise on approaches administration may wish to take

Warwick District Council Portfolio Holders

  • Councillor Ian Davison - Strategic Leadership
    • Corporate Policy
    • Strategic Partnerships
    • Leisure Development Programme
    • Programme Team - Development & Delivery of Major public realm projects
    • Information Governance
    • Civic & Committee
    • Performance Management
    • Corporate Support
    • Electoral Services
    • Climate Emergency Action Plan
    • Biodiversity Action Plan
  • Councillor Jonathan Chilvers - Resources 
    • Accountancy
    • Audit & Risk
    • Procurement, Purchasing & Payments
    • Exchequer (Council Tax & Business Rates
    • Financial oversight of Milverton Homes
  • Councillor Lowell Williams - Climate Change
    • Strategy for new WDC buildings (including housing stock) being zero carbon in use
    • High-level framework for decarbonisation of existing Council homes and all Council buildings
  • Councillor Paul Wightman - Housing and Assets
    • Housing Needs
    • Landlord Services (less Community Health & Well-being)
    • Housing Strategy and Development
    • Business Development and Change, within Housing
    • Milverton Homes and Joint venture
    • Delivery of new homes
    • Delivery of retro fit of fire safety, decent homes and decarbonisation programmes of HRA stock
    • Compliance, Repairs & Maintenance Facilities
    • Technical Surveying & management of contracts for Housing Investment Programme / Decent Homes works
    • Building Surveying
    • Internal Health & Safety
    • Delivery of retro fit of fire safety, and decarbonisation programmes of Non HRA buildings
  • Councillor Ella Billiald - Arts and Economy 
    • Economic Development & Regeneration
      • Including events, markets and tourism
    • Arts & Culture
      • Town Hall
      • Spa Centre
      • Pump Rooms
      • Art Gallery & Museum and
      • Arts development
  • Councillor Chris King - Place
    • Building Control
    • Development Management
      • Development Control
      • Planning Enforcement
      • Land Charges
      • Planning Conservation
    • Planning Policy & Delivery, including Local Plan and all DPD's
  • Councillor Will Roberts - Neighbourhood
    • Bereavement Services
    • Contract Services
    • Public Conveniences
    • Off street Car Parking & Rangers
    • Refuse & Recycling Collections
    • Street Cleansing
    • Grounds Maintenance
    • Green Spaces
      • Play Areas
      • Green Space strategy
      • Wildlife Strategy
  • Councillor Jim Sinnott - Communities and Leisure    
    • Environmental Health & Licencing
      • Environmental protection
      • Food safety
      • Health & Safety
      • Licensing
    • Community Safety
      • CCTV
      • Emergency Planning
      • Community Safety
      • Safeguarding
    • Sports & Leisure
      • Leisure contracts
      • Outdoor sport
      • Active communities
    • Communities
    • Health & Wellbeing
  • Councillor Jessica Harrison - Transformation
    • Helpdesk & Technical Support
    • Infrastructure,
    • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
      • Digital Mapping Services
      • Local Land & Property Gazetteer (LLPG)
      • Street Naming & Numbering
    • Transformation & Applications Support
    • Benefits & Customer Services
    • Broadband delivery
    • People
      • HR
      • Employee relations
      • People Management
      • Corporate Payroll
    • Learning & Development
    • Marketing & Communications
      • Media
      • Design
      • Website
      • Print Room