APPENDIX C: Street Naming and Numbering Changes

In its capacity as the Naming and Numbering Authority, Warwick District Council is empowered under Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003 to make charges to applicants in relation to any administrative costs incurred the provision of the service.

With effect from 2nd January 2024, the Council has revised its schedule of charges for the provision of the Street Naming and Numbering service, namely.

Function Charge
Naming of a new street £181.50
New dwelling/unit(s) following demolition/conversion £110 per plot
Numbering of new development: 1 to 10 plots £110 per plot
Numbering of new development: 11+ plots £1100 + £33 per plot
Rename or renumber of an existing property £55
Add a name to existing numbered property £55
Amend a development layout £110 per new plot affected
Additional copies of “confirmation of address” letters £33
Renaming of a street Price upon request

** Amendments to a development layout after 12 months of original decision may be charged at a higher rate.

Applications and payment can be made online at If preferred, an invoice can be raised, and payment can then be made via the methods indicated on the invoice.

All charges must be paid prior to any changes being made. Changes made without contacting the Council will not be officially recognised and may not be registered with the relevant services and organisations.


Where an application form and fee has been submitted, no refund of fee will be made. No refund of the street naming fee can be made once a name has been submitted for the consultation process.


Fees and charges applicable for the street naming and numbering service/s will be reviewed annually during the Council’s budget setting process and publicised through the Council’s agreed communication channels including the website.