The timeline so far

Following the closure of the golf course at the end of 2017, we’ve been working closely with residents, stakeholders and The Sport, Leisure and Culture Consultancy (SLC) to consider potential options for the future of Newbold Comyn.

Newbold Comyn is a valued asset to many within the local community and to those further afield. We have carefully considered our approach which is explained more in this timeline.

December 2017

Newbold Comyn Golf Course closes

On 31 December 2017, Mack Golf closes Newbold Comyn Golf Course. The area remains open to the public for access however golf is no longer permitted on the site.

March 2018

Council agrees to pursue options for the best use of Newbold Comyn

A report is brought to the Executive which recommends the Council carry out a detailed piece of work on what could be done with Newbold Comyn. It is agreed that professional advice will be needed as there are many factors to consider such as its green belt status and neighbouring land uses.

August 2018

Survey launched to understand how people currently use Newbold Comyn

The Council launch a fact finding survey which aims to understand local residents’ relationship with Newbold Comyn. The survey goes on to receive 3270 responses which highlights the level of public interest in the project.

Consultants are appointed to support the Council with the project

Sports and Leisure Consultants (SLC) are appointed to work with the Council to identify viable and practical options for future uses of Newbold Comyn. They are asked to look at commercial opportunities and how these could support additional non-commercial uses.

September 2018

SLC start work on their options appraisal

SLC’s first piece of work is to carry out an options appraisal which involves market engagement with commercial operators and stakeholder consultation. They are also asked to look at the re-provision of an 18-hole golf course.

March 2019

Council agrees to further public consultation

By analysing the results of the August 2018 survey alongside the in-depth appraisal of potential options by SLC, the Council agree in principle to a Masterplan being drawn up for the site which will be subject to further public consultation. Due to the upcoming local elections, it is recommended this consultation is deferred until after this time to allow the new Executive to approve any details.

May 2019

District Council elections

The District Council elections prevent the Council from undertaking any further consultation at this point.

September 2019

Further public consultation launched

A public consultation exercise is launched which takes place from September to November 2019. The aim of the survey is get feedback on the facility options identified by SLC and the results will inform the master plan. The questionnaire is available online and drop in events are held at prominent local venues. The level of response betters the previous survey with a total of 3346 responses received.

March 2020

Public consultation launched

Following the previous consultation, the draft masterplan is published and open to further consultation, from 30 March to 30 June 2020.

November 2020

Final masterplan agreed by Executive

The revised final masterplan is agreed by Executive. The masterplan sets out the Council’s long term vision for developing the site which will be developed in phases.