Our plastics journey

Plastic waste created by human activity can have devastating impacts on the natural environment. Unlike other forms of waste, much of our used plastic ends up in landfill, rivers, streams and canals and even the ocean, taking hundreds of years to decompose. This is an issue because much of this plastic waste causes litter and may entangle or be ingested by marine creatures.

In 2018, Warwick District Council adopted a plastics policy that sets out what we are doing to reduce our plastic use with a particular focus on single-use plastics. We are also supporting local communities to do the same.

Our plastics policy

Some key areas of our plastics policy and work undertaken is as follows.

  • The council is avoiding sourcing single use plastics where practicable and will source recycled plastic where this is not possible.   Plastic Free Champion status has been achieved for Warwick District Council. Plastic cups, coffee cups and drinking straws have been avoided from a number of our buildings. We also keep a plastics register of plastics that are avoided and recycled which is accessible for all staff to update.
  • New tender contracts include plastic avoidance requirements in tenders for all procurements over £25,000.
  • We support staff in eliminating and recycling plastics at work. Plastics recycling streams have been introduced for crisps and stationery items. The office recycling guide has been updated.
  • We work to raise community awareness and promote recycling single use plastics. We work closely with the Plastic Free Leamington & Warwick group who have become the 100th plastic free community champions through the scheme run by Surfers Against Sewage . We also support other communities across the District and are keen to do more.
  • We have developed plastic reduction event guidance in relation to events that we organise where events are taking place on our land.

This short video animation shows the negative impacts that plastic can have on our environment, and gives some helpful tips and simple swaps to help stop plastic pollution.

The Refill scheme

A large proportion of plastic comes from waste drink bottles especially water bottles. Some good news is there are now a large number of 'Refill' stations such as at local cafes, eateries and shops across the District that enable you to refill your own drink container with tap water for free!  To find out where these Refill stations are, download the "Refill" app.Refill 2

Rubbish, waste and recycling and green spaces 

Information about the recycling we collect, recycling ventures, garden and food waste and all you need to know about recycling, can be viewed on our rubbish, waste and recycling page.

If you are interested in finding out about local recycling facilities near you, what you can recycle and where to recycle specific items, you can visit recycle now to find out more.