Published: Wednesday, 6th January 2021

Further to the government’s confirmation of a national lockdown and new COVID-19 restrictions, Warwick District Council has closed a number of public facilities from Tuesday 5 January.

The amenities closed with immediate effect include:

  • Football pitches and pavilions managed by the Council
  • Tennis courts managed by the Council - Abbey Fields, St Nicholas Park, Victoria Park and Christchurch Gardens
  • Edmondscote Athletics Track and its gym and pavilion
  • Outdoor gym equipment
  • Skate parks

Whilst the district’s parks, public toilets and children’s playgrounds remain open, the Council has suspended all exercise permits for group activities. Personal training sessions can continue to be run on a 1-2-1 basis. The cafes at St Nicholas and Victoria Park are permitted to operate for takeaways only.

Council owned facilities


  • Leisure Centres
  • Art Gallery and Museum
  • Spa Centre

These facilities will remain closed, with the Library (located in the Royal Pump Rooms) continuing to provide a click and collect service. The Town Hall is open so that customers can access the temporary Post Office.

Waste and recycling services

These will continue as normal, with a public health reminder that personal waste (such as used tissues, face coverings and disposable cleaning cloths) should be separated from other items and bagged securely before being placed in your external refuse bin.

These items must not be put into your recycling containers. Recycling crews will continue to be supported by additional waste collection vehicles where necessary, this means recycling is tipped into the back of this vehicle – these collections are sorted and recycled separately. The district’s recycling centres will remain open for booked appointments.

Homeless provision

During this time the Council’s Housing Team and partners in the voluntary sector will be renewing their efforts to ensure that anyone found sleeping rough is found a place to stay. They will also continue to provide support to those in temporary accommodation. 

Business support

Following Tuesday’s announcement by the Chancellor, the Council’s finance and business support teams are on stand-by to process the new lockdown grants to be made available to businesses in retail, hospitality and leisure.

The Leader of Warwick District Council, Councillor Andrew Day comments:

“It’s disappointing that we’re once again having to go into a lockdown. The severity of the situation nationally and locally, requires that we continue to work together, taking what we’ve learnt from previous lockdowns and going the extra mile to save lives and protect the NHS.

"Despite these restrictions, we continue to benefit from living in an area with wonderful parks and open spaces for our daily exercise, giving us all opportunities for some respite from this necessary confinement.

“The Council recognises that the latest restrictions will be a hammer-blow to many businesses and the most vulnerable in our community. We’re responding to this by distributing further business grants and gearing up to assist our colleagues at Warwickshire County Council with new shielding arrangements.

“The Council also wishes to highlight that it is continuing to plan for delivering the local elections on 6 May 2020 and is working with partners across Warwickshire, as well as Public Health England and the Electoral Commission to ensure that polling stations and the local count operate in a safe and compliant manner.

"We’re also supporting the NHS with the vaccination programme and testing regime. It’s going to be a tough few months for everyone, but if we all play our part by staying local and following the guidelines, brighter days are ahead. Thankfully we’re well prepared to go ‘once more unto the breach.’ to quote Shakespeare’s words from Henry V."

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