Chemical waste

You can request chemical waste disposal at the Warwickshire County Council website.

Asbestos information - guide for home occupiers

Asbestos is the collective name given to the fibrous forms of a naturally occurring mineral which has been used in building materials and consumer goods for many years.

The majority of people know asbestos is a very dangerous substance, but many do not understand what it is or why the mineral is bad for the body. Understanding asbestos is important because the illnesses associated with the substance can cause serious medical problems and even death.

The greatest risk from asbestos is in its dust form. If the asbestos material is in good condition and is not broken or chipped and is not likely to become worn or damaged then there is no significant hazard. Asbestos around the home can be found in gutterings, fire place linings garage/shed roofs and in some cases is sealed with paint or alkali resistant primer to reduce exposure.

The only sure way to identify asbestos is by laboratory analysis and Warwick District Council cannot provide this service. The visible colour of the material is not a reliable guide.

Exposure to asbestos dust can cause lung diseases. The material contains microscopic fibres which may lodge in the lung tissue if asbestos dust is inhaled. Further information about asbestos in the home and what to do about it, can be found in the Asbestos advice for council tenants booklet.

Asbestos in the workplace

Asbestos related disease accounts for over 3,500 deaths each year, creating what is the UK's biggest single cause of work related deaths. The occupational Safety and Health Team of Warwick District Council aims to raise the awareness of the risks associated with asbestos within the maintenance worker groups and to remind duty holders (employers/occupiers/landlords) of their legal duties under the 'duty to manage ' Regulation.

The occupiers and owners of all non-domestic premises now have a duty under the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012, to manage any asbestos within their premises. For further information download the guide Asbestos Duty Holders (214kb, PDF)

Asbestos for maintenance workers

Is asbestos present? If in doubt - don't rip it out. Asbestos fibres may be released when drilling holes, cutting with hand and powered tools, dismantling /demolition. For further guidance download our leaflets.