Licence summary

Any one operating a zoo will require a licence from the local authority in which the zoo, or the majority of the zoo, would be situated.

A zoo is an establishment where wild animals (one not normally domesticated in Great Britain) are kept for exhibition to the public with or without charge on more than 7 days in any 12 month period. Exemptions are circus and pet shops.


The local authority shall not consider an application unless at least 2 months notice of the application had been given, plus publication of details in a local and national newspaper and notice placed at the site. The authority must consult the police, fire authority, governing body of any national institute concerned with zoos, adjoining authority if the zoo overlaps the area of that authority, any person wishing to object on grounds of alleged injurious affect on the health or safety of persons living in the area.

The authority must arrange an inspection of the site by a consultant inspector from the list of suitable nominated inspectors by the secretary of state.


A summary of the regulation relating to this licence


Alternatively you can use downloadable paper forms

Will tacit consent apply?

No. It is in the public interest that the authority must process your application before it can be granted.

In partnership with EUGO