Local Plan evidence base and consultation documents
This page links to the evidence base documents used to shape the Local Plan, and the consultation documents from various stages of the local plan process.
Consultation documents
- Main modifications - May 2017
- Proposed modifications - February 2016
- Submission documents: Publication draft and Focussed Changes (2014)
- Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries (2014)
- Preferred Options (2012)
- Helping Shape the District: Issues and scenarios (2011)
The evidence base
Documents within the evidence base have been grouped together by topic area. The links below will take you to documents relevant to that topic.
- Air and Noise
- Biodiversity
- Built Environment
- Climate Change and Renewable Energy
- Economy and Employment
- Flooding and Water
- Green Infrastructure
- Historic Environment
- Housing
- Inclusive, safe, healthy and active
- Infrastructure
- Landscape and Green Belt
- Other Strategies
- Retail and Culture
- Strategic Transport Assessments - Phase 1
- Strategic Transport Assessments - Phase 2
- Strategic Transport Assessments - Phase 3
- Strategic Transport Assessments - Phase 4
- Transport Assessments
- Villages
- Waste
Sustainability Appraisals developed alongside the evolution of the Local Plan are also available.