Understanding the results
When a search is performed for an address or mapping data information, the result will be presented on a slide out panel on the right hand side of the map window.
- Hide results panel button
- ‘Hiding’ the results panel will make the results pane slide back in to the right of the map window. To ‘un-hide’ the results click on the small button again, which will have changed to show arrows pointing in the opposite direction.
- Close results button
- Minimise results button
- The category of each result is underlined, clicking on this will perform a ‘Go to result (zoom and position)’ action. Any reference numbers for the search item will be displayed underneath.
- Go to result (current viewed scale)
- Further information.
- Go to result (zoom in and re-centre)
To view the spatial information for an item, click on the ‘Further Information’ button (number 6 on the screen shot). This will display an information box in the centre of the screen highlighting the relevant details.
The ‘Further Information’ available depends upon the layer in question. In most cases it will be one of the following
- A generic web page from the council’s website giving more details about the dataset in question
- A specific link to details about the record chosen
- A link to an external webpage that gives more details about the overlay and/or item chosen
NB: In the case of planning applications, the link will open Warwick District Council’s online planning system in a new tab with the relevant application details shown.