Use map to find

Use the map to find

Click on the ‘Use Map to Find’ menu option. If a menu has an arrow to its right hand side it means that there is a sub-list. Please note that certain items e.g. Planning Applications, will be greyed out at certain levels of magnification. This is to avoid too many results being displayed on the map.

Find a car park - screenshot After you have selected the item, you will be asked to define the area to search in. Choose an option and click on ‘Find’.
Search area If the generic options (above) are not suitable, click on the item marked ‘in specified area…’ The box on the left will be displayed. Choose a drawing method.
Search tree preservation orders For Planning Applications and Tree Preservation Orders, the search facility will also give you the opportunity to enter the reference number to display a specific record. This is reliant upon the full reference number being entered.