West Midlands investment zone

The West Midlands is an advanced manufacturing R&D world leader across future mobility, medtech and net zero. The West Midlands’ Government-backed investment hub enables global businesses to take advantage of unique commercial opportunities, including tax incentives, capital funding and business rates retention.

The region is investing in our wider economy to ensure that investing businesses land in a vibrant ecosystem of business growth, skills development and innovation support.

Businesses locating in the West Midlands Investment Zone will benefit from a range of incentives.

West Midlands Investment Zone

The Skills Escalator Fund

If you are a small/medium sized business or self-employed and based in Warwickshire, you can now apply for up to £750 training support per person. The fund can support up to 5 employees per business. *VAT cannot be paid by the fund due to WCC not being the commissioner or recipient of the training.

The training supported by the escalator fund is led by you. If you need support in shaping a training plan, our team of Business skills advisors are on hand to help shape a tailored training plan to reflect your business and employee's aspirations.

Further information and to request Application form, Employee Registration Form, Course Completion Form and Multiple Learner Course Completion Form which can be requested from the Warwickshire Skills Hub by email at skillshub@warwickshire.gov.uk

Warwickshire business start up support programme

Aimed at businesses in their first 24 months of trading and individuals who have ambitions to start a business, this is a programme of one-to-one business coaching and workshops to provide the fundamental skills to start and grow a business.

This is delivered on behalf of WCC and the five District and Borough Councils by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.

To find out more about this programme, please contact the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub in the first instance on 0300 060 3747.

Warwickshire business resilience and growth programme

Aimed at businesses over 24 months old to help improve their resilience and growth potential via a tailored package of support with access to appropriate advice and services to support growth plans.

This is delivered on behalf of WCC and the five District and Borough Councils by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.

To find out more about this programme, please contact the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub in the first instance on 0300 060 3747.

Business Ready - Warwickshire high growth and innovation programme

This project will engage with businesses with ambitions for high growth and looking to innovate. It will target higher productivity that will contribute towards county-wide growth targets and create new highly skilled jobs. This programme offers access to specialist mentors, bespoke support and specialist workshops.

This is delivered on behalf of WCC and the five District and Borough Councils by University of Warwick Science Park.

To find out more about this programme, please contact the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub in the first instance on 0300 060 3747.

Warwickshire manufacturing growth programme

Directly supporting manufacturing businesses across all sectors to grow by identifying, understanding and removing their barriers to growth to support the creation of new jobs through improved productivity, and competitiveness. A programme of one to one support from specialist manufacturing advisors, digital diagnostic tool, workshops and cohort-based small courses.

This is delivered on behalf of WCC and the five District and Borough Councils by Oxford Innovation.

To find out more about this programme, please contact the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub in the first instance on 0300 060 3747.

 Warwickshire business advice energy service

Helping to create a green, growing and sustainable economy across Warwickshire through promoting energy efficiency. An energy audit for each business will produce bespoke decarbonisation plans to identify greenhouse gas savings, leading to greater energy efficiency, lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions. It is expected that the WBEAS will include a grant scheme to support businesses with the costs of low carbon adoption.

This is delivered on behalf of WCC and the five District and Borough Councils by Coventry City Council.

To find out more about this programme, please contact the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub in the first instance on 0300 060 3747.

Project Warwickshire – visitor economy business support and the hospitality business support programme

A package of support for businesses in the tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors, offering specialist one-to-one business coaching, workshops, and networking including with larger businesses.

This is delivered on behalf of WCC and the five District and Borough Councils by Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.

To find out more about this programme, please contact the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub in the first instance on 0300 060 3747.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) projects in Warwickshire 

Further information on the UKSPF projects in Warwickshire visit the Warwickshire County Councils UKSPF web page

Local business loans and grants