Allotment management

Warwick District Council does not directly manage allotments. Many local allotments are managed by the tenants themselves and administered by the town or parish council concerned. There are some exceptions to this type of administration – for example, St Johns Allotments, Kenilworth are owned by the tenants; St Marys are owned by the church and administered by a trust, and there are several other variations.

Amend allotment details

If the details for the allotments below need updating, please let us know: report an amendment to allotment details.

Who to get in touch with if you want an allotment

There are more than 20 allotment sites in the towns and villages of Warwick district. Contact details are listed below. Some sites have a waiting list, but others have vacancies.


  • off Wasperton Lane - Barford Allotment Association. Contact – 01926 624028 – Roger Clay
  • off Wasperton Lane - Barford Church Allotments


  • Rugby Road - Cubbington Allotments Association
  • Coventry Road - Cubbington Sandfurlongs. 01926 492511 - Robert Morton


Leamington Spa, North

Leamington Spa, South

Rowington Allotments

  • Queen’s Drive - Mr John Greenaway, Tel 01564 784352


Warwick Town Council managed:

  • Railwayside Allotments, Cape Road / St Michael’s Road
  • Cape Housing Allotments (Priory Pools / Deerpark Drive)
  • Myton Green

Contact Warwick Town Council at 01926 411694, or email

Self-managed allotments:


An allotment is good for you

It gives you fresh air, healthy exercise, a piece of land to call your own – as long as you look after it and pay the rent – and good fresh fruit and vegetables at the end of it. And it’s good for the environment, too.

Is it expensive?

The most expensive allotments are no more than £30 a year for a big plot. That’s less than 60p a week – great value for money. Growing costs little, and many allotments organise a bulk buy of reasonably-priced seeds.

What can you grow?

These are just some of the vegetables, fruits and herbs you could grow: blackcurrants, broad beans, French beans, runner beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbages, carrots, chard, coriander, courgettes, cauliflowers, chicory, corn salad, endive, kale, leeks, lettuces, marjoram, mint, onions, parsnips, parsley, pak choi, potatoes, peas, pumpkins, radishes, raspberries, redcurrants, rocket, rosemary, sage, spinach, spring onions, strawberries, swedes, sweetcorn, squashes, thyme, turnips, ……and more.