Please complete this form to apply for a Temporary Event Notice. 

Reference will be made to application guidance notes (link opens in a new window) throughout the form. Please read these before you make your application.

The fee for this licence can be paid at the end of this form.

Please note, pages within this form have a 20-minute time-out, please make sure you select either 'next' or 'previous' within 20-minutes to ensure your progress is saved.  


It is a condition of this temporary event notice that where the relevant licensable activities described within this form include the supply of alcohol, that all such supplies are made by or under the authority of the premises user. Please read note 17.

Privacy statement

Personal information collected within this form will only be used to process your licence application. The legal basis for doing this is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Council is subject. Your personal data will be kept for 6 years from the date any investigation is concluded.

Your personal data may be shared with other Local Government organisations (such as other local authorities), Central Government Agencies (including but not limited to DEFRA, Cabinet Office, Home Office and/or Department for Work and Pensions), other Law enforcement agencies including but not limited to the police and other Warwick District Council departments.

In the case of complaints about licensed individuals and businesses at Licensing hearings which are conducted in public and form part of a public process, in all but a few circumstances hearings follow a public consultation. Those making representations in respect of applications should expect their name and address to accompany their representation, which will be available in the public domain. The Act requires such information to be disclosed to the applicant (and licence holder if different from the applicant) prior to a hearing.

The information you provide in connection with an application will be publicly available on a Statutory Public Register that we have to keep and make available for any member of the public to view. This may include, for example but not limited to, your name, your business’s details, food hygiene ratings, licence/permit/registration/consent number, expiry dates, contaminated land details, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) details etc.

You have the right to access your personal data and to complain if you think your data is being used incorrectly. You may also have other rights, such as to have your data corrected or erased. For full details on your personal data rights including the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer’s contact details and further information, please see the Council’s main privacy notice.