Complete this form to apply for small business rates relief. 


All properties in England occupied by the ratepayer must be listed. It should be noted, that for any particular day, the billing authority will disregard the ratepayer’s occupation of an additional property where:

  1. its rateable value shown in the local non-domestic rating list for that day is not more than £2,899; and
  2. the aggregate rateable value on that day of all properties the ratepayer occupies in England is not more than £19,999

The application must be completed by the ratepayer or a person authorised to apply on behalf of the ratepayer. This means, where the ratepayer is

  1. a partnership, a partner of that partnership;
  2. a trust, a trustee of that trust;
  3. a body corporate, a director of that body, and in any other case, a person duly authorised to complete applications on behalf of the ratepayer


It is a criminal offence for a ratepayer to give false information when making an application for small business rate relief. Please be reminded that it is the ratepayers’ responsibility to inform the billing authority of any future changes to eligibility

Privacy statement

We will use the information you provide to administer and collect business rates.

Where the law permits, we will share this information with other council departments, Government departments, public bodies and private organisations. We will do so for the assessment and collection of taxes, to prevent and detect fraud and to undertake statutory public functions.

More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the data protection legislation can be found in our Privacy Notice.