Smith Street WarwickWe have statutory powers to ensure that all streets and properties are correctly named and numbered within the district. These powers derive from Public Health Act (1925).

Street naming and numbering is an increasingly important function as it allows the council to maintain a comprehensive and accurate address database covering all residential and commercial properties in the district. In turn, this enables;

  • Emergency Services to find a property quickly and effectively;
  • Post to be delivered efficiently;
  • Visitors to locate their destination;
  • Reliable delivery of services and goods by courier companies;
  • Records of service providers to be kept in an efficient manner.

Charging for street naming and numbering

There is currently an administrative charge for changes to the existing address database:


If you are a developer or home owner and would like more information about how to apply for a street name or change of property name, please contact:

Street Naming and Numbering
Warwick District Council
Town Hall
Leamington Spa
CV32 4AT

Telephone: 01926 456663